The Email Marketing SOLUTION By Lisa Fine October 3, 2020 What if you had your own email service you never had to pay for again—even with a list of millions? What if your email service did everything for less than the cost of 1 month with a mediocre list at a regular service? Have you ever noticed how sometimes the product that's the greatest bargain is often also a Super Product? Maybe it's because the people who don't try to charge an arm and a leg are often the ones genuinely trying to help us out the most. These people are honest and they actually make great products. Sometimes these people actually give their products away for free, just so that others can benefit. Whenever I need a business solution, I like to start with the assumption that I can find exactly what I'm looking for. When I was 18 and needed a new thermostat for my car I could spare about 23 dollars to get the job done. So I talked with a mechanic, got a manual on how to do repairs to my car, bought the thermostat and put it in myself. I think the repair took about 15 minutes. As I'm sure you know, doing things yourself often brings the greatest rewards! When I needed an Autoresponder Service for email marketing and follow-up, I just assumed that instead of paying greater and greater costs for an email service as my lists grew in size, I could find and install my own solution and use that. I tried every free solution available. But none of them did everything I needed them to do. I wanted to have the ability to create unlimited autoresponders and the ability to set up sequences of emails that would go out at exact, specified intervals. So, Judy Jones signs up to get my free report or product, and she receives an email immediately, then another in 1 day, then 6 days later, etc. Each new subscriber receives the same sequence of emails, but they're all sent out according to that subscriber's opt-in date and time. Of course, we have to have the ability to send out "blast" emails whenever we need to. And we have to be able to send to all our lists, or just one...or just a certain segment of people on a list—those who want red satin king sheets instead of kitchenware, for instance. Your Email Marketing Needs If, like me, you also need: • the ability to make an unlimited number of lists • the freedom to have an unlimited number of subscribers without spending "unlimited" amounts of cash! • make custom opt-in email forms easily • easily make your own custom surveys • create specific tags for people's survey answers • use double or single opt ins at will, with the ability to add people to your list who'd opted in through another service or list you had • send out fancy html emails if you want to, like top companies do, with a selection of great templates you can use • send out as many emails as you choose, including autoresponders, email blasts and triggered emails (customer opens email "A", and he then gets email "B" with a special offer, coupon or bonus) • buy and put it on your own hosting, whether shared hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) or dedicated server—doesn't matter. Set it up and use it forever, completely branded with your personal brand, completely free • set it up on one of your website domains—use it to send emails for your other websites as well. Use whatever SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol/outgoing mail servers) you want. Use your own website's SMTP, Amazon Web Services (AWS)—one server, multiple servers, whatever you choose. You set the throttle times for how many emails can go out in any given time period. • set up each list any way you want To make a long story short, I tried about 5 different free email programs. All were lacking some of the features I needed, some looked prehistoric, didn't store survey answers or email replies, and just basically sucked. Paid Services I also tried a couple paid services. One of them made my emails disappear while I was mid-creation, frequently...and I couldn't get them back! All that work down the drain, all the time!! The other service had a very complex interface which took forever to navigate and just wasn't conveniently laid out. Both services naturally had escalating costs in tandem with burgeoning subscriber lists. Finally, a solution So after weeks of wasting my time...I found it. I found the COMPLETE SOLUTION to my problem. The complete, full solution! (I always do, because I know I can.) It even had a child-easy interface, but with ALL the needed features! I bought this as soon as I read the software developer's documentation. He tells you easily and quickly how to do each thing you want to do. You can use the Help Table of Contents to nail the exact information you need, anytime. And you can use it straight from the software, as well. But you know how many help documentations are...not so helpful? Not very clear? This developer, who's Greek, put everything into plain, beautiful straightforward English. So you're not chasing around to find the right thing—he tells you where the right thing is, and then tells you how to do it in a few plain English sentences. By "plain" I mean obvious. I mean not confusing. The man knows his product, knows the exact answers, and tells you so that you get it in perhaps 3 or 4 sentences for each feature. But with that said, know this: you barely have to even consult the help file, because everything is available from one interface screen. Click on one of about 8 dropdown menus, click on the feature you want, and you're there. Every feature is pretty self explanatory. Don't get something? Click on help, it's right there. It's so simple, Dude. The man is a genius. (I think the more of a genius a person is, the more simply he can explain things to others so they can learn the thing fast!) So what is this genius Email Program? It's called nuevoMailer. Unlimited lists. Unlimited autoresponders. Unlimited drip email sequences ("dripped" out over time, as mentioned above). Unlimited subscribers. Edit your emails in the familiar WYSIWYG interface, or in html. Save any email you create as a template. Use the email templates provided in the software, and also use your own. Make email forms, surveys, use captcha when you want to. You are totally in control. And, as I said, you pay ONCE. One very reasonable fee. The software developer is really helpful and even sets the software up for you, if needed. He has clients with literally millions of subscribers, all handled through their own personal installation of nuevoMailer. The software is a bunch of cleverly coded files which you upload to a file in your main website folder. Everything's in one easy interface, and voila! You're in Business! It doesn't need anything else. It gives you information regarding opened emails and clicked links. Totally awesome. After setting up my installation I asked Nuevo's developer if I could be an affiliate for him because his product was exactly what I was looking for, so I knew others would want to know about it. Every single feature was there...unlimited lists, subscribers, fancy email templates, mailing options, all forms available—and I paid under $160 in total! It's on my own hosting and I can use it to my heart's content! No limits! Yeah, this isn't monthly. It's not yearly. You pay once, you're good to go. Last I checked the genius developer had NuevoMailer on sale. (Figures. Every other seller seems to have raised his price during the COVID19 times. I know I've found that really helpful. Haven't you? No? I told you NuevoMailer's developer's smart. HE knows to lower his price NOW! I really hope all the other business geniuses out there figure that out.) Get NuevoMailer now before COVID19 is over and the price goes back up! NuevoMailer is YOUR OWN Email Marketing Solution. Suppose you had the ability to build unlimited email lists, make unlimited web forms and surveys, email your lists unlimitedly and set up automated email sequences for each? Oh yes, and suppose that even if you had millions of subscribers, you could do this all for free, forever? What if you could pay the utterly low fee for the software and you then had YOUR OWN email subscription and mailing service which was under your entire and exclusive control? What if it was as robust, powerful and feature-packed as the most sophisticated (and expensive) pay-as-you-go services? Food for thought. Could be the cure for your monthly dues blues.