Handling Your Own Kids' Mental Health Issues Quickly and Easily By Lisa Fine January 21, 2022 In many cases (if not all) you can handle your own kids' so-called "mental health issues" quickly and easily, all by yourself. At the same time, you'll be improving your relationships in the family, and you'll be gaining help from your kids that will positively thrill you (and them)! This is such an easy fix for "mental health issues" that it's a positive wonder that our "advanced" society hasn't thought of it before. In fact, it's completely incredible to me that the only "fix" many health-care professionals offer is to put your children on heavy-duty psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs, to "improve their behavior." (Apparently, if they are deadened by drugs, this is an improvement.) you can handle your own kids' so-called "mental health issues" quickly and easily, all by yourself The unfortunate truth in our society is that people are rewarded with money for drugging children. I really don't think so many people would be "selling their souls to the devil" by setting kids up for life-long drug dependence and addiction problems if this were not the case. Doctors in California who have financial connections with pharmaceutical (drug) companies collect about $10,000 more in pharmaceutical funding when they heavily prescribe these medications, as compared to those who prescribe them less often. Foster parents in Texas were offered up to $1000 a day for child care if they could find a mental health problem in a foster child, if that child was then labeled as having a mental disorder, when they'd only get $17 a day to care for a child without any such issue. In view of the fact that these very drugs are often causing the mass-shootings which we've seen spring up only in the last 30 years, perhaps, then it would seem that some people want the country to be more fucked up than it is, by pushing the drugging of children more and more heavily. Children under 5, under 2 years old are being given these medications. Foster children apparently aren't able to refuse the medications (which is a massive crime, in my eyes) so their rate of being drugged seems to be the highest in the country. (More than one-third of children on Medicaid in the foster care system are given 1, 2, sometimes even 5 or more drugs at once.) It's my belief that when the government gives money to states to "aid" them, plenty of that money goes to getting more people into the mental health system, getting them onto drugs, and everyone down the line profits from it, from the drug companies to the final prescribers. Everyone but the children. The FDA hasn't even approved the use of these drugs in children that young. Alright, that's it for the rant for today. Now, how do you help your kids out with their problems all by yourself? You get them producing. What kind of production? What kind of production? It doesn't matter. Now, let's talk about what production is. If somebody mows a lawn, they're producing. Other people get to enjoy the pretty, mowed lawn. If your place gets vaccuumed by someone, that's production. Everyone gets to walk on a clean floor. Dishes washed, trash taken out, button sewn on a piece of clothing...yes, that's all production. Somebody talks to you and then you feel better—that person has performed a service for you. That's production. If you open a door for somebody, that's production. You've done them a service. Not only did they not have to open the door themselves, but they felt better because you were polite to them, and sort of said, "Oh, you're here..you deserve my politeness (just because you're another human being)." I've made people absolutely happy just because I talked to them, when apparently nobody else would. It can really make a person's day sometimes, just to be nice to them for a minute! And honestly, if kids are being taught to be rude to others, that's not the right lesson. They'll never be treated well by other people if they don't treat others alright. Production is exchanged If you write a story that's beautiful, and you never show it to anyone, that's not production. If you sell it for money, or if you put it into a magazine or newspaper somewhere so others can read it, that's production. You could paint the most gorgeous masterpiece that's ever existed—but if no one ever sees it, it's not production. It hasn't been exchanged. You haven't done something that has done some good for somebody else. Now let's say you show your painting to one person, and they say "Oh! How beautiful. Thank you for showing that to me!" That's exchange. You put it on display at a gallery where others can see and enjoy it, and you see them smile. That's exchange. Somebody buys it and gives you money—that's exchange. Once I received a letter from someone who'd read my book. She'd written “Thank you—thank you. God Bless you. I just felt such relief, almost like a rescue. After reaching out to so many and now finally, to find what I have been searching for—a practical and sensible how-to book about this drug issue. I can’t tell you how grateful I feel." Now, I used to pay $2 for every book printed, and I used to sell them for $3.29 over 20 years ago, so I made about a buck on that book. But that day I received her letter she made me so happy—it was the most fulfilling moment of my life. So exchange doesn't have to come in the form of money. It can be somebody else's thanks, their happiness, their pleasure...or just basically they were helped by you, and they thanked you for it. That gives a whole world of possibilities for how to accomplish production, doesn't it? Even more importantly, it gives you a world of ways that you can help your kid accomplish production. Just think, if your kid hands you something you need and you say "thank you," then the kid has accomplished something. He's produced something, and he's gotten exchange for it. You said thanks. He will often smile. You've made him feel good by letting him produce and exchange with you. Now let's take this a little bit further Let's say you take a clean rag or sock and you show your kid how to dust a lamp, starting from the top. Now let's say your kid dusts for 2 or 3 minutes. Maybe they don't do it perfectly the first time, but you keep your mouth shut :). When they're done, you say "Thank you!" Just look at your kid's face when you thank them. All of a sudden they're happy. Now what to do? Continue. Take anything you know how to do and teach it to your kid. Let your kid do it. Thank him or her, and really appreciate it! "Mental health problem" solved. Because it wasn't really ever a mental health problem. It was just not enough production. No matter how badly someone may feel, all they have to do is to get busy with some production, and then everything will be just fine. Imagine you teach your kid how to make an omelette, or how to fry an egg, and then they make eggs for you? Maybe a yolk or two is broken. You say, "Thank you!!!" and you really mean it. The kid is happy. Perhaps you both really need to take a walk, and you say "I want to go for a walk but don't want to go alone. Will you come with me?" She says "No," OK. Maybe you go by yourself, or maybe you don't go. Later, she says she'll walk with you. When you're done with your walk, thank her. Hug her if you want. The girl's going to feel better for having helped you. Problem solved. That's all there is to it. If you'd like to download my book for free, you can get it below. I wish you and your kids success. Yes, please...I'd like your How To Keep Your Kids Off Drugs book for free! First name: (optional) Email: I don't share, sell, or rent emails to anyone. I'll be able to read your emails and will hold onto any survey answers or testimonials you may give someday. I'll send you emails occasionally with more free gifts, promotions, etc. You can unsubscribe at any time by hitting the unsubscribe link in any email. Thanks for visiting today, and taking part in something good. For the sake of our future—for the sake of our kids. We don’t want our kids chaining themselves to a future of having to buy drugs, having to take them, needing more—or living life to buy and use. To be safe and free of chains, far above the desire for drugs, our kids will need to be strong. They will need to know a few of the facts of life. They’ll need to be prepared for life, so they won’t feel they need to escape from it. They will need to know the facts concerning drugs. These two points are what this book is all about. — Excerpt from How To Keep Your Kids Off Drugs, Introduction “Thank you—thank you. God Bless you. I just felt such relief, almost like a rescue. After reaching out to so many and now finally, to find what I have been searching for—a practical and sensible how-to book about this drug issue. I can’t tell you how grateful I feel. “I keep it out in my living room, as a reference.” —L. Turnage, Hot Springs Village, Arkansas “Now I know what to do. I was smoking weed pretty regularly, and doing Ecstasy sometimes. But I’ve quit all that, and I’ll never go back.” —T. Boggs, Alexandria, VA “This is an important book. It is such a worthwhile piece of work. It’s a book that has to be read.” —Nancy Smoller, Book Clearing House, Harrison, New York “I liked the book very much. I recommend it to friends and family. Thanks for the help in raising healthy children!” —Suzanne M., Pasadena, California “I quit smoking. I realized what I was doing to myself, so now I live without...smoke-filled lungs. Your book reinforced everything I knew and felt about the future. Things are better for me, now." —Josh R., Pocatello, Idaho “It has a lot of good stuff in it.” —Miss Alexander (age 11), Florissant, Missouri “I hope that as many people as possible read it. It is a mine of information for people at a loss with their children. My six-year-old ... is a very happy little girl. ... Your book really helped us.” —T. Howell, Netherlands, Antilles