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Handling Your Own Kids' Mental Health Issues Quickly and Easily


In many cases (if not all) you can handle your own kids' so-called "mental health issues" quickly and easily, all by yourself. At the same time, you'll be improving your relationships in the family, and you'll be gaining help from your kids that will positively thrill you (and them)!

This is such an easy fix for "mental health issues" that it's a positive wonder that our "advanced" society hasn't thought of it before. In fact, it's completely incredible to me that the only "fix" many health-care professionals offer is to put your children on heavy-duty psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs, to "improve their behavior."…

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How To Keep Your Kids Off Drugs: My Gift to You


How To Keep Your Kids Off Drugs is a book which is not mainly about drugs. It's about how to raise your kids so that they live life, they know how to live life and they can do it successfully. That includes, actually, how to follow their own goals in life. That's something that can make them a true success. …

You want your kid to be happy, right?

Home is pleasant when your kids are happier—growing up to be successful adults because they're being made ready to handle life. And they're already calmly and successfully handling it—because they know how. …

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Drug Information